29. January 2025 · Comments Off on 2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway! · Categories: Uncategorized

The 2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway has ended. Thank you for participating!
Lucky fans will be announced on February 10, 2025.

2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway!
(Lucky Draw for 300 “Hong Bao” Lucky Red Packets!)


(中文 – 请安这里)

Xin Nian Kuai Le, Gong Xi Fa Cai! Jackie wishes everyone (including YOU): good health, good fortune, great luck and prosperity in the Year of the Snake! May there always be world peace and good blessings to everyone throughout the snake year.

At a blink of an eye, it’s that time of year again! Our annual tradition of giving “Hong Bao” (紅包 lucky red packets) to our continuously supportive and loving fans is about to begin.

This year there will be 300 “Hong Bao” red packets in the lucky draw. For those who haven’t participated before, you can grab your chance for a lucky “Hong Bao” red packet by following the simple instructions below.

Our staff have prepared a fun quiz with 10 multiple-choice questions about Jackie. If you correctly answer all 10 questions, you’ll be put into the lucky draw for a “Hong Bao” red packet, that will be drawn on February 10, 2025.

The quiz for the “2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway” starts now, and will end on February 05, 2025 at 23:59PM (Hong Kong time). Just follow the instructions below to submit your answers and remember, only 1 entry per person will be accepted. (Submitting emails more than once will automatically be disqualified).

The draw for 300 lucky fans who correctly answered all 10 questions before February 05, 2025 will be randomly drawn and announced on February 10, 2025.

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Create a new email and in the subject line write: 2025 CNY Giveaway
  2. In the body of your email, write down your matching answers, for example:
    Q1 – A
    Q2 – B
    Q10 – C
  3. Also write down your details:
    Full Name:
    Country of Residence:
    Email Address:
  4. Send your answers to: **Giveaway has ended** before February 05, 2025 (23:59PM HKT).


Only one entry per person will be accepted. Multiple entries from the same person will automatically be eliminated. Please make sure that your email address is valid as lucky draw fans will be informed through email. And please ensure that you write your full name (nick-names or alias names won’t be accepted).

**The JC Group reserves the right to the final decision on the giveaway competition.**

Just like our last giveaway, lucky winners will be notified by email and will also make an announcement on Jackie’s Facebook page and Official Website.

It’s that simple! Let’s see how well you know Jackie! Good Luck!


2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway Questions

1 ) Which of the following animals is related to the title of Jackie’s movie that was released in China on October 1, 2024?

(a). Elephant   大象

(b). Civet Cat   狸猫

(c). Panda        熊猫

(d). Horse        马匹

(e). Snake        蟒蛇


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2) In which country did Jackie participate in the 2024 Paralympics Games torch relay?

(a). France       法国

(b). England     英国

(c). USA           美国

(d). Brazil         巴西

(e). Canada      加拿大

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3) What are the names of the two adorable panda soft toys that Jackie is holding?

(a). PAN PAN / DA DA

(b). LA / ZY

(c). JJ / CC



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4) Which year was Jackie’s album “I Am Me” released in China?

(a). 2016

(b). 2017

(c). 2018

(d). 2019

(e). 2020

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5) Which movie is this scene from?

(a). Police Story                       警察故事

(b). Who Am I                          我是谁

(c). Rumble in the Bronx         红番区

(d). Project A                           A计划

(e). Project A Part II                A计划续集

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6) In 2013, Jackie replaced his plaque on the Hollywood Avenue of Stars. Apart from his handprint and footprint, what other print did he leave on the plaque?

(a). Lip print                唇印

(b). Shoe print             鞋印

(c). Hair print               头发印

(d). Nose print             鼻印

(e). Teeth print            牙印

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7) While at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris, which sporting event did Jackie present medals to the winning athletes?

(a). Para Taekwondo               跆拳道

(b). Wheelchair Fencing          轮椅击剑

(c). Para Archery                     射箭

(d). Para Equestrian                马术

(e). Rowing                             赛艇

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8) Which of the following photos is not a scene from Jackie’s movie, “A Legend”?

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9) In the movie “Ride On”, what was the name of Master Luo’s beloved stunt horse?

(a). Golden Horse          金马

(b). Red Hare                赤兔

(c). Black Wind              黑风

(d). Purple Dragon        紫龙

(e). Magnificent            奇峰

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10) Apart from wearing white, what is Jackie’s favourite coloured tracksuit?
除了穿白色运动服之外, 成龙大哥最喜欢穿那个颜色的运动装?

(a). Purple       紫色

(b). Yellow       黄色

(c). Burgundy 酒红色

(d). Black         黑色

(e). Teal           青色


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(The JC Group reserves the right to the final decision on the giveaway competition).

29. January 2025 · Comments Off on 2025蛇年发红包 · Categories: Uncategorized




游戏时间已经完满结束了. 谢谢大家的参与! 



成龙大哥在此衷心恭祝全世界的朋友和粉丝们: 新年快乐!蛇年大吉!身体健康!平安顺心!

转眼间又一年过去了,也是大家每年都期待的 “新年发红包”抽奖游戏。成龙大哥继续秉承每年的传统给大家发 ‘红包’, 希望派发更多祝福,更多快乐,世界和平及好运给支持他多年的朋友和粉丝们(就是你!)

跟往年一样, 成龙大哥准备了300封红包, 以问答选择题及抽奖形式派发 ‘红包’ 给300名幸运儿.

想获得机会成为其中一名收‘红包’的幸运儿吗? 以下有10个有关成龙大哥的问答选择题。答对所有选择题(10个题目) 可获得机会以抽奖形式抽出,成为300名当中的‘红包’幸运儿。快来参与 ‘2025蛇年发红包’游戏吧!

游戏由现在开始至2025年02月05日 23:59PM (香港时间)截止. 请按照以下的指示提供您的答案. 300名幸运儿得奖名单将于2025年02月10日公布, 每位幸运儿可赢取红包一封!


1) 在电子邮件主题填写:  2025蛇年发红包

2) 邮件内容请写下您的答案, 如:





3) 也紧记写下您的:




4) 请在2025年02月05日 23:59PM前 (香港时间), 把答案发往:

请注意: 每人只可提交答案一次. 如有发现多次提交, 将被自动作废.

得奖幸运儿将以电邮通知, 请大家确保您的电邮地址是在操作中 (没有回复的电邮会被作废!)

**JC Group 拥有最终决定权**



1 ) 成龙大哥於2024年10月在中国公映的电影名称与那种动物有关?

(a). 大象

(b). 狸猫

(c). 熊猫

(d). 马匹

(e). 蟒蛇

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2) 2024年大哥到那一个国家出席残疾人奥林匹克运动会担任火炬手传圣火呢?

(a). 法国

(b). 英国

(c). 美国

(d). 巴西

(e). 加拿大

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3) 成龙大哥手上的一对熊猫公仔是什么名字?

(a). PAN PAN / DA DA

(b). LA / ZY

(c). JJ / CC



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4) 成龙大哥的专辑《我还是成龙》是那一年在中国发行的?

(a). 2016

(b). 2017

(c). 2018

(d). 2019

(e). 2020

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5) 以下照片是大哥拍那一部电影的场景?

(a). 警察故事

(b). 我是谁

(c). 红番区

(d). A计划

(e). A计划续集

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6) 2013年成龙大哥在美国荷理活星光大道除了印有他的手印,脚印还有印上什么呢?






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7) 成龙大哥出席2024年法国举办残疾人奥林匹克运动会期间,负责颁发那个运动项目的奖项?






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8) 以下哪张照片不是成龙大哥主演的电影《传说》里的场景?

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9) 在电影《龙马精神》里面,成龙大哥饰演角色罗师傅的爱马叫什么名字?






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10) 除了穿白色运动服之外, 成龙大哥最喜欢穿那个颜色的运动装?






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