14. February 2024 · Comments Off on 2024 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway Has Ended · Categories: Uncategorized

*Update* (February 17, 2024)
As there has been a discrepancy with one of the answers to Question 2 in the quiz, please be assured that answers: A or E (or both) have been considered correct for this question. Thank you to all the loyal fans for your feedback.



A big heartfelt “thank you” to all the fans who participated in this year’s Chinese New Year Hong Bao (Lai Si) Giveaway! The quiz has officially ended. Participants who correctly answered all the questions will be put into a draw for one of 300 lucky hong bao (Lai Si) to be given away. Lucky draw winners will be announced on February 23, 2024 and notified by email.

In the meantime, here are the answers below. See how many questions you answered correctly!



2024 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway

2024龙年問答游戲 答案

1) What is Jackie Chan’s Star sign??

Aries 白羊座


2) Which of the following movie stills is not from the movie, “Meals on Wheels”?
以下哪张照片不属于电影 “快餐车” 的剧照?




3) What film is this scene from?



Rob-b-Hood 宝贝计划

4) What character did Jackie do the voice over for in Wish Dragon?
在动画片“许愿神龙”里面, 大哥是为那个角色配音?



Dragon 神龙


5) The song sung by Jackie “How Come?” (Zenme Hui) was the theme song for which movie?
成龙大哥主唱的 “怎么会” 是哪一部电影的主题曲?


First Strike 警察故事IV之简单任务


6) CZ12 (aka Chinese Zodiac) was filmed in many countries around the world. Which of the following countries was CZ12 not filmed in?
十二生肖在世界各地很多地方取景拍摄. 以下哪个国家不是十二生肖的拍摄地点?


(c) Canada 加拿大


7) In 2009, Jackie adopted two adorable pandas while in Chengdu. What are the names two adorable pandas?


(b) Cheng Cheng and Long Long 成成 和 龙龙


8) Which of the following actors did not star alongside Jackie in the movie, Ride On?


Xiao Zhan 肖战

9) Apart from Jackie’s signature “peace” hand gesture when he poses for photos, what is his second most used hand gesture that he also likes to use?
除了大哥拍照时最喜欢用的 ”双手胜利” ✌️手势, 大家能猜猜大哥也喜欢用的手势是那个?






10) Which of these songs did Jackie Chan sing at the 2023 Greater Bay Area Concert?



(c) The Great Wall Never Falls万里长城永不倒


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